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Showing posts from January, 2015
INFORMATION EXTRACTED FROM OM OP 16 -01 2015 Case of pilonidal sinus ---this is to be considered and treated as usual abscess treatment .In this miasmatic diagnosis is very important .Recurrent abscess means it is Tubercular miasm sometimes also syphilitic miasm . tubercular miasm repeated attack -means psoric   increased abscess-syphilitic miasm fever high--PYROGEN pus--HEPAR SULPH In the symptom free interval give TUBERCULINUM 1,to remove the tendency FISTULA IN ANO silicea fluoric acid followed by anti miasmatic treatment        SULPHUR, SYPHILINUM, TUBERCULINUM CASE1 Acute case with fever and cough  + thirst gave bryonia 200/4 dose CASE2 Cough with yellow expectoration <dry cold Cough after influenza medicine is SANGUNARIA 30/ 3 DOSE fever followed by cough sanguinaria pulsatilla sticta fever always ends in bronchitis -- TUBERCULAR  MIASM  -- follow up with TUBERCULINUM CASE 3 Acute onset of fever +head a
INFORMATION EXTRACTED FROM OM OP  16-01-2015 THERAPEUTICS  OF EYE COMPLAINTS CONJUNCTIVITIS symptoms--REDNESS OF EYES  +  sand like feeling + itching +in  hot climate Medicines     BELLADONNA EUPHRASIA SULPHUR Arg nit--Syphilitic back ground Eye brows stick together---agglutinated --  ARG NIT ,   BORAX GLUCOMA  --- Phosphorus Retinal detachment ---- Gelsimeum <after watching cinema  ---GELS Accommodation defects   --- RUTA GELS PHYSOSTIGMA ASTIGMATISM TUBERCULINUM SYPHILINUM SPECIAL SENSES AFFECTION MIASM IS SYPHILITIC MIASM OR TUBERCULAR MIASM Edema of upper eye lid -- KALI CARB edema of lower eye lid---APIS Edema of both eye lids----PHOSPHORUS STYES PULSATILLA STAPHYSAGRIA CONIUM styes of upper eye lid- -- Silicea pulsatilla staphysagria if pus is present  then enquire about the pain painless styes---SILICEA painfull styes----HEPAR SULPH Recurrent styes--
Information extracted from OM OP 16- 1 -2015 FRIDAY climate change-- dulcamara damp weather-- rhus tox Dry cold-- Bryonia, Aconite, Hepar sulph, Spongia [these days climate] Pain++  + hemorroids -- Causticum [sourness+rawness] hemorroids+burning pain--- NITRIC ACID kuthikuthi chuma--- Hepar sulph CASE 1 A women of about 25 suffered from hypopigmentation in neck came for follow up sir gave her Graphitis 1M.   FOLLOWED UP WITH graphitis 10M ,,   and now complaint subsiding now he gave graghitis 50M   INDICATION --HYPOPIGMENTATION IN NECK FOLD CASE 2 Sir discussed with us a case of hemorroids. first he gave NUX VOM based on indicaton ,symptoms reccured then he gave corresponding deeper acting remedy  LYCOPODIUM again the symptoms recurred, then he asked the patient to observe and find out the exiting cause ,  later the came and told that the symptoms aggravated after night duty ANY COMPLAINTS < AFTER NIGHT WATCHING REMEDY IS COCCULUS ,  THE CO